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NGO TechnoWomen participated in the meeting at the Government House of the Republic of Kazakhstan

March 27, 2024 @ 08:00 - 17:00 UTC+6

With the support of the National Commission on Women’s Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the association @technowomenkz is actively developing in Kazakhstan in order to create new conditions for women in the digital economy. One of the significant events related to the Association was the speech of its representatives to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On January 16, a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Ukimet uyi, where issues relevant to the country’s development, including the development of e-commerce, were discussed. One of the speakers on the current state and prospects of this industry was Aluamekekovna Korpebayeva, General Director of the Kazakhstan marketplace Clever Market, member of the Board of the NGO TechnoWomen.

Alua Korpebayeva highlighted the important points of the development of e-commerce in the country. He spoke about the shortage of government support measures for this industry and significant logistical costs that hinder the effective integration of e-commerce into the economy. It was also noted that there is no legislation regulating e-commerce, despite the significant share of online sales. By 2022, the share of online sales in the country amounted to 12.5%, which is about 1.9 trillion tenge.

The recommendations of the CEO of Clever Market include the following measures:

Ensuring access of small and medium-sized businesses engaged in e-commerce to government support measures.

Simplification of procedures for obtaining certificates and licenses necessary for the export of goods, which facilitates the entry of artisans into foreign markets.

Creating conditions for the implementation of educational programs and the development of logistics infrastructure in order to involve SMEs in the field of e-commerce.

📌 Development of core and local supplies for e-commerce companies.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov expressed support for the proposed initiatives, noting their strategic importance for the development of the country and the digital transformation of the economy, as well as the promotion of job creation in the country.


March 27, 2024
08:00 - 17:00 UTC+6