TechnoWomen, with the support of the Central Asian Alliance to End Gender-Based Violence and UN Women in Kazakhstan, launched a large-scale project CyberSafe for Women for the cybersecurity of women in Central Asia

The non-profit organization TechnoWomen and the Central Asian Alliance to End Gender-Based Violence, created with the support of UN Women in Kazakhstan, proudly present the project “CyberSafe for Women”. The goal of the initiative is to teach women the basics of cybersecurity, protect their digital space and help counter modern cyber threats. The project was successfully implemented in four countries of the region: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

During the project, TechnoWomen trained 200 trainers, who then passed on their knowledge to more than 2,000 women in various regions. These trainers not only teach cyber literacy and help women protect their personal data, but also create conditions for the safe use of digital technologies in everyday life and work. The project participants also included female employees of Kazpost, who faced the need to protect their activities from cyber risks.

The training covered important aspects of cybersecurity, such as protection from phishing, fraud prevention, safe use of social networks, and measures to protect personal data. TechnoWomen specialists provided the participants with practical tools and recommendations for reliable protection on the Internet, and taught them how to quickly respond to threats and prevent possible attacks.

The CyberSafe for Women project reflects the desire of TechnoWomen and UN Women to create a safe digital space that supports gender equality and women’s rights. This initiative also serves as an important contribution to the fight against gender-based violence and cyber violence, protecting women from new threats of the digital era. In the context of accelerating digitalization, such projects are becoming necessary and support women’s confidence that their data and online presence are reliably protected.
The project continues to attract public attention, and in the future, TechnoWomen plans to expand the program’s coverage so that more women in Central Asia have access to valuable knowledge and tools on cybersecurity.
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