On January 10, 2023, was held the first General Meeting of the members of the non-profit organization “TechnoWomen”. The agenda discussed the results of the organization’s activities for 2022, promising areas for 2023 and social projects.
Summing up the results of 2022, members of the “TechnoWomen” organization noted that over the past year, the organization had successfully formed, and internal regulations were developed and approved, was created a unique corporate culture and an active community of progressive women of Kazakhstan was organized. The “TechnoWomen” Strategic Committee began its work, which included Andrey Beklemishev, Head of IDC in Central Asia, Dinara Shcheglova, Vice Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Asel Zhanasova, Chairman of the Board of Kazpost JSC, Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva, Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nadya Zheksembayeva, Founder of the Academy of Reassembly.
In 2022 were implemented the following activities of “TechnoWomen” in the following areas:
1. Development of the digital economy and support for women IT entrepreneurs:
- On August 27, 2022 was held a meeting with the Chairman of the National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Balayeva. Were presented 17 digital projects of Kazakh women entrepreneurs and initiatives were proposed to develop the digital economy;
- In September-October 2022 were held 20 online meetings of digital projects of Kazakhstani women entrepreneurs;
- Proposals to support women entrepreneurs have been prepared and sent to Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of National Economy of the Republic;
- Meetings were held with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; akimats in order to present women’s startups, proposals were also prepared and sent to Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of National Economy of the Republic to support women entrepreneurs.
The main goal of “TechnoWomen” is to support women and open opportunities in the digital world. To achieve this goal, in 2022 were signed memorandums with IT schools, in terms of providing grants for women in the field of training in game development, programming, mentoring, and so on.
2. Legislative initiatives of “TechnoWomen”:
- On November 3, 2022, at a meeting with a deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ekaterina Vasilievna Smyshlyaeva, members of the “TechnoWomen” Association came up with legislative initiatives aimed at supporting technology businesses in Kazakhstan;
- Members of the “TechnoWomen” Association are members of the ICT Committee of the Atameken NCE, the ICT Committee of the AMANAT party, the Public Council of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace, etc.;
- Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva joined the Strategic Committee of the “TechnoWomen” Association.
- A 30% quota has been introduced for the representation of women in the Board of Directors of the National Welfare Fund Samruk Kazyna and other companies in the quasi-public sector;
- The Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan included initiatives to stimulate the development of e-commerce and introduce the principles of Yellow pages rules.
- Events in 2022:
- On March 3, 2022 was held the first “TechnoWomen” Forum in Astana Hub;
- May 2022, an online marathon “Techno Women – 2022” was held in social networks;
- On May 17-18, 2022, the second “TechnoWomen” Almaty forum was held at the site of Satbayev University;
- On June 27-29, within the framework of the FOURTH annual KAZAKHSTAN EDTECH EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FORUM AS PART OF ASTANA FINANCE DAYS, initiatives were proposed to promote gender equality in business, at the level of boards of directors:
- On September 28-29, 2022, the “TechnoWomen” Association took part in the International Forum and Exhibition of Digital Technologies “Digital Bridge 2022” in Astana. The “TechnoWomen” stand was one of the highlights at this event. On the sidelines of the forum, TechnoWomen’s Initiatives aimed at developing the digital economy in Kazakhstan.
Technowomen members are a role model and a powerful driver for contributing to the development of Kazakhstan’s technology business. In November 2022, Technowomen participants paid an official visit to the United States, where they held meetings with global companies such as Visa, Mastercard, EPAM, Microsoft, Plug and play, 500 Startups, TechWomen International Organization and others. A number of educational trainings in the field of personal growth and efficiency were also held. The acquired knowledge and visions after the official visit are introduced into the development of the organization.
- In June 2022, a strategic session was held in Borovoye to develop promising areas and strategies for the development of the organization:
- On November 12-27, 2022, members of “TechnoWomen” paid an official visit to the USA, California, and Silicon Valley.
- Professional development of girls and women:
- The Mentor pro IT Program was implemented jointly with “Human Capital”, women of the “TechnoWomen” Association took part both as mentors and as mentees;
- A hackathon for girls was held at Astana IT University “She codes” to develop digital solutions to combat all forms of violence. Signing an agreement with AISEC, Public Foundation “Digital Transformation”, and Akhter Studio;
- Conducted a series of meetings with schoolgirls in Astana;
- Training of women artisans was organized within the framework of the “School of e-commerce” project in cooperation with BTS Education;
- Free training in programming was organized under grants from the QWANT Programming School and training in data management from the Data Boom School (125 people trained);
- Signed memorandums with Parakozm LTD for training on the Zeda Academy platform in game development;
- Organized training for leaders under the K-Pro program in Almaty for women leaders from “TechnoWomen”;
- Organized evening webinars for members of the sales and Agile organization;
- Organized free educational programs for “TechnoWomen” participants in various areas and priority topics for modern business.
Our plans for 2023:
1. Creation of a partnership network in the countries of Central Asia and Europe to unite the efforts of progressive women. Creation of the international movement “TechnoWomen.”
2. Improving the professional competencies of the participants of “Techno Women”:
- Training to train female CDO/CDTO digital officers;
- ESG training, training in ITIL, business analytics, Agile and other professional competencies;
- Organization and holding of evening webinars with bright speakers;
- Development of the TW Academy. Preparation of author’s courses from TW members and leading experts;
- Organization of training and digital literacy for women who want to enter the digitalization or other technology industries;
3. Implementation of mentoring programs:
- Preparation and launch of mentoring programs for professional and personal growth;
- Preparation and launch of mentoring programs for women at the SD and managerial level;
- Preparation and launch of mentoring programs for the development of female digital officers and their promotion to the decision-making level;
- Promotion of special grant programs for girls in STEM disciplines, AI training, space, engineering programs in universities, potential of technical and vocational education;
- Assistance in opening TECHNOGIRLS clubs in universities and colleges. “TechnoWomen” organizes mentoring, digital skills training, digital leadership development and employment programs.
4. Development of IT business and promotion of projects of TW members:
- Organization and holding of industry digitalization days for TW members;
- Establishment of an industry committee;
- Development of a collaboration center to ensure the interaction of offline businesses, NGOs, the state with IT companies;
- Organization of interaction with business associations, NCEs, business councils and regions;
- Development of a plan to promote the projects of TW members;
- Organization and holding of presentations of projects with the invitation of interested civil society organizations, corporations, etc.;
- Organization of meetings with ministers and other leaders, as well as the use of other methods to promote the projects of TW members;
- Organization of events, exhibitions and presentations.
5. Promotion of female members of TW on the career ladder:
- Formation of a personnel reserve TW;
- Creation of a personnel committee, determination of the composition and work plan;
- Formation of a personnel reserve for the promotion of members of the organization;
- Promotion of TW members to digital officers in the civil service, corporate sector and private business.
6. Promotion of legislative initiatives and state support measures.
7. Investment activity, development of women’s entrepreneurship.
As a result of the general meeting, goals were outlined for organizing a major forum for women, cooperation with universities and leading IT schools, for grants. International trips, the creation of branches in Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia, the promotion of business projects, the launch of educational programs, and so on have been determined.