On November 3, 2022, on the basis of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a fruitful meeting was held with Ekaterina Vasilievna, as well as participants and founders of Techno Women.
During the meeting, the ideas and plans of the organization for the near future were presented. At the moment, the organization is forming an expert group to promote initiatives in the field of modernizing digital legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
These initiatives were presented at the meeting by the following speakers:
Nurgaliyeva Asem – YPR and new IT-GCTEAs (General classifier of types of economic activity);
Zhumazhanova Saule – Digitization of objects of culture and sports;
Chettykbaeva Sholpan – Mary of state support for the development of domestic business, barriers and problems;
Kulchimbayeva Sabira – Distance learning system for future
As a result of the discussion on digital initiatives, the following was proposed:
1. Continue work on the implementation of the principles of development of competition “Yellow pages rules” in the industry and propose to resolve the issue of GCTEA.
2. Conduct an assessment of the tourism economy through digital solutions in culture and sports. It is necessary to intensify the issue of introducing the CDO position in the Ministry of Culture and Sports, as well as other central and local government bodies.
3. In order to reduce the burden on the healthcare system and solve the problem of increasing maternal mortality, we propose to consider the issues of accelerated development of telemedicine through the replacement of scheduled offline consultation hours with online channels for interaction between doctors and pregnant women, as well as women registered in gynecology and obstetrics.
4. Support for the Trusted Software Registry is back in the focus of discussion. It is advisable not to cancel the requirements for the presence of an industrial certificate.
5. In order to develop e-commerce and involve artisans and social entrepreneurs in it, the period of tax preferences should be extended until 2028. It is necessary to review the procedures for obtaining these benefits and certification for companies in the field of e-commerce. It is also necessary to conduct additional discussions on the development of electronic commerce and building uniform requirements for players in this market.